Tuesday, May 1, 2007


There are many different types of whole grains, more than I even know!

Most of us know of the common ones like wheat, popcorn, rice, and oats. But there are so many other strange grains out there that are worth trying.

Kamut for example. It is a close relative to wheat, but has many differences. It is a larger grain for one thing, more than twice as large. It is also a high protein grain, almost 30% more than wheat. Kamut also contains elevated levels of Thiamin, zinc, pantothentic acid, Riboflavin, vitamin E, magnesium, phosphorus, copper and complex carbohydrates. There is one down side though, it has less fiber than whole wheat. All around though, Kamut is another healthy grain. It has a different flavor than wheat and other grains. So give it a try.

Here's what Kamut looks like.

I hope you learned something new, it's always great to learn! Thanks for reading!

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